Stock market research is a crucial part of any investor’s decisions when it comes to buying stocks. It helps shed light on the position of the business by showing some very fundamental information such as the financial position of the business, the expected performance, its strengths, its weaknesses and much more. It allows its users to get an understanding of where the stock is going in the future. We are here to show you the top 10 stock websites.
Many induvial investors look for websites that contain free information about stocks to help assist them with their research. Investors obtain this information for free or for a paid fee.
An increasing indicator about the movement of a stock or finding the next big thing is sentiments from investors around the world. With individuals doing their due diligence in a company before they purchase shares, they tend to like to share this information with other investors to ensure their research is (somewhat) something to base their decision on. You’d be lying if you say you don’t care about what others think about the stock you’re going to buy… after all if everyone hates it, it’s not going up!
Many recent events, such as the ‘GameStop stock frenzy’, have shown the power of individual investors, and more and more now value the information of their peers. This has led to another indicator that investors consider – opinions.
The hardest part for any investor is trying to find websites on the world wide web that will help them gather this information. With so many websites out there it’s hard to find the one that is exactly what you want and when you do there is often specific information missing.
Best Stock Market Websites For Investors and Traders
This article will present the top 10 stock research websites available – in my opinion. It will include websites that not only provide financial information about stocks but also ones that provide different features such as rankings and opinions from investors around the world.
1) TrendyToros
TrendyToros is a website where investors can easily post their opinions and find financial information about not just companies but also cryptocurrencies and indexes. The site boasts a whole range of attributes such as company charts, up-to-date prices, and informative views and opinions from investors around the world. They also have a handy feature that shows the trending stocks today based on the number of opinions posted about the stock. You can also access a wide range of company information.
TrendyToros is a free stock website for finding opinions and gathering information. All you need to do is create an account and you can get going.
Main features:
Opinions from real-time investors
Real-time opinions from investors come through as they happen on a page with all the company information you need to help make your decision. With a great feature of ‘Bullish’ or ‘Bearish’ to give an overall indication of your feelings in your message.

Interactive tables and charts
There are many different tables showing stocks in different categories such as ‘Top penny stocks’ or ‘Top 100 Cryptocurrencies’. These can be interacted with and changed to suit your desires.

TrendyToros stock score
On every stock page, there is a stock score that is calculated by TrendyToros based on a wide range of information and facts about the company. Whilst you wouldn’t use this as a concrete decision-making tool, it is a handy tool that can assist your verdict.
Portfolio creation
Users can create their portfolios by adding their stocks to their watchlists. They can keep their best stocks in one place. Stocks are also ranked each day according to their popularity, which is a great feature!
2) Yahoo Finance
Of course, Yahoo! finance is on this list. Being a world-famous news and entertainment website, it also has great significance in the financial world. For instance, it has many news articles related to the markets, real-time stock quotes, and original data.
Yahoo! Finance is primarily used for gathering up-to-date, comprehensive data by investors around the world. Consequently making it is one of the best stock websites out there.
Main features:
Real-time stock quotes
The top feature of Yahoo! Finance is its ability to provide real-time stock quotes for many stocks around the world. This helps investors make quick decisions by seeing the prices change as it happens.

3) The Motley Fool
The Motley Fool is a private financial and investing advice company based in Alexandria, Virginia. They provide an array of features for users who are interested in investing, but most features come at a yearly price.
The Motley Fool is great for portfolio management and helping its users choose the best stocks based on a wide range of financial information. They also provide many very informative articles.

Main Features:
Stock Adviser
Subscribers receive 2 stock picks each month, 2 lists of the 5 best stocks to buy right now and access to the latest stock picks straight away. Stock Adviser has had an estimated return ratio of 504% with an S&P 500 of 135%. Seems like a pretty good investment if you ask me.
Rule Breaker
Rulebreaker providers users with stock picks of high-growth businesses they think are poised to be tomorrow’s market leaders. Risker but might be worth it!
4) Seeking Alpha
Seeking Alpha is a crowd-sourced content service for financial markets. They provide many articles and research that covers a broad range of stocks, asset classes, exchange-traded funds, and investment strategies. It has many highly interactive pages that are great for investors as well as many screening features to find the best investment for you.

Main feature:
Author ratings and analysis
Boasting a wide range of investors in the community, Seeking Alpha offers users lots of analysis from investors around the world all with unique investing styles and interests.
5) TradingView
TradingView is a combination of many websites in one and as such is quite different to the ones mentioned. It combines web-based charting, analytics, and trading software with social features for communication with other investors. Tradingview also makes analysis simple by offering free access to charting and analysis tools.

Main feature:
Indicators and analysis tools
TradingView has a wide range of tools to help any investor beginner or professional. With more than 100 indicators and more than 100,000 community-built indicators. They also have more than 50 smart drawing tools.
6) StockTwits
StockTwits is a social media platform designed for sharing ideas between investors, traders, and entrepreneurs. It has many features such as rankings, which rank stocks and cryptocurrencies each day. It also provides its users with a newsletter ‘The Daily Rip’ that lets users keep up with the markets.

7) StockRover
StockRover is a web application that brings professional-level equity research capabilities to individual and professional investors. Stock Rover provides well over 500 operational, financial, and price-performance metrics and detailed financial data for over 40,000 stocks, funds, and ETFs.

Stockrover is great for monitoring your portfolio by providing the tools for deep analysis. It also provides screening capabilities and offers features for charting stocks. However, more advanced plans come under a subscription.
8) FinViz
FinViz is a stock market and data website that provides financial analysis, research, and data visualization to its users. It summarizes a large volume of information into charts that can be easily digested and understood. FinViz also offers an excellent screening service that allows users to narrow down their stock choices based on specific information.
There is also an elite package offer where users get real-time data and quotes as well as advanced charts financial information.

9) MetaStock
MetaStock is a proprietary computer program originally released by Computer Asset Management in 1985. It is used for charting and technical analysis of stock prices. MetaStock has hundreds of analysis tools helping shareholders understand stock information clearly.

Whilst Metastock is great for technical analysis, for beginners and individual investors, it can seem like it’s a bit too much and can get confusing fast!
10) is a financial platform and news website. It offers market quotes, information about stocks, futures, options, analysis, commodities, and an economic calendar. One of my favourite features is the analysis and opinions section where investors share their views in an article-type way. offers a huge range of news relating to the financial markets and has many interactive charts for stocks and cryptocurrencies.
In conclusion, having the right information to guide you during your investments can help you achieve financial freedom. Therefore, selecting a website that is right for you is vital to help you succeed. With thousands of websites out there, very few are suitable for all investor types, and this article is an attempt to share the top 10 best stock websites out there.
TrendyToros is a place where all investors can easily view and share opinions, find financial information about not just companies but also cryptocurrencies, indexes and more. And, most importantly, giving access to a wide range of interactive charts and information.